Come risolvere Errore mail google su Mac:: Errore 400: invalid_request

Errore di autorizzazione
Non puoi accedere a questa app perché non è conforme alle norme OAuth 2.0 di Google per mantenere le app sicure.
Digitare :: ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
Si trova best answer::
I found a solution to this!
– Sign into the Google Account you want to add to Apple Mail
– Go to Settings, and select Security
– Select Two-Factor Authentication, and set this up.
– Once done, at the bottom, you’ll see App Password. Select that.
– Name the app (I used Apple Mail), and generate 16 character password.
– Copy that password
I’ve seen these steps before, and tried and tried to get someone to answer my question of “now what?”, as I couldn’t find anywhere to use it.
Then I tried this and it worked:
– Open System Preferences, and select Internet Accounts
– Scroll the list up, and select “Add Other Account
– In the list, select Mail account
– Enter the Gmail address in “Email address:”
– Paste the 16 character password in “Password:”
It took a few seconds, but then the Gmail account showed up in Apple Mail!
You’ll notice it isn’t displayed as a “G” account in the list of Internet Accounts, but who cares?! It works!
I hope it works for you too!
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